
The Climate & Energy Leadership Council works with business and government leaders to engage in dialogue, education and advocacy on energy and climate issues facing the region's employers.
The Financial Services Leadership Council works to identify competitiveness issues impacting the Greater Boston financial service industry, and then formulate policies to address those issues and work for their implementation by conveying our message to elected and appointed officials.
The Health Care & Life Sciences Leadership Council works with business and government leaders to engage in efforts to find health care cost solutions, and preserve our region’s leadership roles in the areas of care quality, research and innovation.
Higher Education Leadership Council
The Hospitality & Tourism Leadership Council works to promote policies that will strengthen the region’s hospitality and tourism, and arts and culture industries.
Participants in the Massachusetts Apprentice Network, consisting of employers, training providers, and intermediaries.
Membership Committee effective October 2020
The Public Policy & Government Relations Leadership Council works with city, state, and federal officials to create a competitive climate for the continued growth and success of Greater Boston’s employers.
The Regional Real Estate Development Leadership Council works to promote the development of buildings, land, and open space in ways that maximize job creation and quality of life.
The Talent Development & Retention Leadership Council works with government, business, and education leaders to promote education innovation, workforce training, and policies that attract, develop and retain a strong talent pipeline to meet industry and employer rapidly changing needs.
The Transportation & Infrastructure Leadership Council works to promote a safe and reliable transportation system at the city, region and statewide level to support the economic growth of Greater Boston and Massachusetts.